March 28, 2013
R. J. Corman Signaling, LLC

R. J. Corman Railroad Group, LLC announces its entrance into signal system design, wiring, construction, maintenance, packaging and material warehousing/ logistics through its new company R. J. Corman Signaling, LLC.
“Work on the Nicholasville, KY facility is nearing completion. We have identified another location for a second facility to help us accelerate our early stage growth in engineering and construction”, said Mike Wilson, VP of the new company. “Our short term plans include hiring over 100 new employees to support engineering and the signal shop, although construction and maintenance demands will drive that much higher.”
“Mike joined our company earlier this year to help develop the business plan and strategy of this new segment of our business. His success with other business start ups in the signaling discipline (United Railway Signal Group, Inc. and 10 East Corp.) made him a good fit for building this new business in R. J. Corman fashion”, said Craig King, President of R. J. Corman Railroad Group, LLC.
R. J. Corman Railroad Group, founded in 1973, is a multi-service provider to the railroad industry with more than 40 locations throughout the United States, including eleven short line railroads. Services include: Railroad Construction (CWR, MoW, bridge and tunnel, equipment sales and rental); Derailment Services (re-railing, load transfers and track maintenance); Material Sales (hi-rail delivery of track material, inventory management and track panel construction); Storm Team emergency response (track washouts, generator deployment, tree/debris removal and base camp operations); Distribution Centers; Switching Services, My Old Kentucky Dinner Train, R. J. Corman Railpower Locomotives; and Railroad Signaling (design, wiring, construction, maintenance, and material warehousing/logistics).